Positive Encouragement for Difficult Days

by | April 10, 2020 | Positive & Possible

Hello, Friend,

I hope you are staying safe and healthy. Since we are living in crazy and uncertain times I thought I’d take a moment to provide you with a little positive encouragement and a few smart, savvy ways to grow stronger during difficult days.

Be grateful. No matter how difficult our days or our circumstances, there’s always something to embrace and cherish. I’m thankful the pandemic hit in the springtime, for budding trees, walks outdoors, and warm sunshine. I’m grateful, for the many connections I’ve made over the years, including YOU.  What are you thankful for today?

Unplug. While technology has many benefits, overuse may feed our anxiety, fear, and stress.  Try unplugging for a while and see if you feel better. Create a No-Mo Zone in your home; a place where you gather with no mobile devices. Curate your newsfeeds so that you are only seeing positive, encouraging, uplifting content. While we can’t control much during this crisis, we can control what we plug into.

Enjoy living in the moment. Let’s cherish the precious time we’ve been given with our families. Soon this wild world will reopen and carry us away from the ones we love most. Play games. Watch movies. Bake cookies. Eat ice cream. Teach your children life skills. Live, love, and laugh in the moment.

Learn something new. Many colleges, including Harvard, are offering FREE online classes. Take a class and expand your skillset. Try new things. With increased knowledge comes power. I’m learning to facilitate effective virtual meetings. What are you learning?

Do something positive for someone else. Pick up groceries for the vulnerable. Write a note of encouragement to someone and mail it. Mow the neighbor's grass. Wear gloves and pick up trash while you walk around your neighborhood. Making a difference will make you feel so much better. Try it! Let me know how it worked out.

This Good Friday afternoon has me thinking of you and wondering how you are making the most of your locked-down days. Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend.

Live is short. Live your best life now.