Positive & Possible

Resources for Smart, Savvy Change


Since government shut down my small business during COVID-19, when my husband’s company asked family to step up and help produce electronics used in medical equipment, I raised my hand to be Rosie the Riveter for a few weeks. More than 50 percent of their production employees can’t come to work because of quarantine, vulnerability […]


20x 20 in 2020

January 13, 2020

A coach challenged me to think of 20 things I’d like to do 20x in 2020. Here’s my list. What do you want to do 20x in 2020? Achieving our goals and dreams is the sweetest form of victory we’ll ever taste. Life is short. Live with purpose.


I vividly remember when my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer 18 years ago. He was given a few short months to live.I was crushed. He was only 62-years old and had worked his whole life to retire. He would never enjoy retirement.  My boys were little. Their “Pap,” was their hero; in fact, he […]